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The goal is to completely end extreme poverty (defined as living on 1.25 dollars a day) by 2030. It might sound like a big task, but as of 2015 only 10% of the ...
This one might feel like it should be linked to poverty, and thus be on the decline, but that’s sadly not the case. Hunger, as measured by the prevalence of ...
This goal has become especially relevant following the pandemic, but was well on its way toward completion even before it struck. It mainly focuses on ...
Education, above all, is important as it has a key in solving various issues mentioned in previous and coming goals. A good education provides ...
There have been amazing strides in the fight for gender equality, which is necessary for a prosperous world, but there are still many challenges that ...
Water is not only critical for basic survival, but also to prevent the spread of illnesses like cholera. Despite the fact that humans cannot survive for more than ...
The world has been making incredible strides towards this goal in the past decade, particularly in providing electricity to the vulnerable of society. Renewable ...
In a capitalistic world, many of the issues listed here can be solved through money. And for that you need to have a stable, growing economy and generate ...
For the economy to flourish and the least developed countries to catch up to the west industrially, it is crucial to have a good base. And for that you need ...
Reduced inequality can seem vague in that inequality can refer to many different areas of society, which differ in how they manifest themselves ...
A side effect of industrialization is urbanization, and as such more and more people are moving into the cities in search of a better future. The need ...
It can be argued that at the core of all issues, lie the consumers. Money makes the world go around and thus we vote with our money. However, not ...
Perhaps one of, if not the, most important goals on this list. Now it is more urgent than ever to halt climate change and save our planet, with 2019 ...
The sea is an important key in fighting climate change, as well as an absolutely essential part of the systems that make earth habitable for humans. The ...
Every single animal and plant, no matter how small, holds an important part of an increasingly fragile ecosystem. Removing one can create an unexpected ...
One thing all goals have in common is an active will of the states themselves to actually complete these goals, as there is little to lose by not doing it. An ...
This goal focuses on how to make the partnerships- whether it be between states, regions or organizations- run as smoothly as possible. Because of ...