Terms & Conditions
Target Aid – General terms and conditions
When registering an account with Target Aid AB, corporate identity number 559065-2037, ("Target Aid"), you will have to accept these General Terms and Conditions, which are valid for the entire time you use the services provided by Target Aid. Target Aid AB owns and operates the digital platform targetaid.com and provides digital services to NGOs, Sports organisations (associations and federations), Companies, Peer to Peer Fundraisers, Donors and Event participants.
This General Terms and Conditions outlines and govern the relationship between you as a user (the "User") and Target Aid (”the Supplier”) and the accompanying services (”the Services”) provided by Target Aid via the Website (”the Website”) developed and delivered by Target Aid its partners and 3rd party service providers (“Contractors”). By visiting the Website and using the Services, the User confirms that the use will take place in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions as well as applicable laws and regulations. If the User does not intend to comply with the General Terms and Conditions, the User does not have permission to use the Website and the Services.
By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, you also accept and agree to our Privacy Policy (can be found on www.targetaid.com). Our Privacy Policy explains how we manage personal information captured and exchanged when Users interacts and uses the Website and the Services.
The General Terms and Conditions might be modified by Target Aid from time to time in its sole discretion by posting an announcement of such changes on the Website.
1.1 Introduction and Purpose
The purpose of the operations of Target Aid, the Website and the Services is:
● To provide a digital platform, tools, services, and content in the areas of corporate social responsibility, fundraising and charitable giving. Users are donors, event participants, fundraisers, companies, and non-profit organisations (NGOs, Sport organisations).
● To enable the users to identify, establish and develop win-win relationships between different users of the Website and the Services, and to increase the return of their engagement.
● Enable marketing and promotion of our Users and their fundraising projects, fundraising events, stories, fundraisers, and other content the Users can upload on the Website.
● To enable our Users to get in touch non-profit organisations (NGOs, Sport organisations) and Peer-to-peer Fundraisers to donate money to their projects, events and causes in a safe and efficient manner.
● Provide a secure payment service and a digital platform enabling fundraising to social, sustainable, or charitable projects, events, campaigns, and fundraisers created and managed by non-profit organisations (NGOs, Sport organisations) or Peer-to-peer Fundraisers.
● Enable our Users to, in different ways, engage target groups in their social and sustainable activities and stories (e.g. employees, donors, supporters, members, followers, customers, sponsor, partners).
For our Users to visualize and communicate their social and sustainable engagement and commitment as well as the effects of their engagements.
1.2 Handling of personal data
In addition to what follows from these General Terms and Conditions, it is your obligation as a User to understand the rules that apply when processing personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy applicable at any given time. The Privacy Policy is available on the Website (https://targetaid.com/privacy-policy-public-website/).
1.3 Pricing
Depending on the type of user, Target Aid offers different pricing models:
a) NGOs and Sports Associations
The user won't have to pay any fees in advanced. Once the user has started fundraising, Target Aid will deduct an annual platform fee of SEK 5,000 plus VAT and then 5% from the funds raised. It is only when the user achieves a result that Target Aid charges the fee.
b) Companies
Target Aid will charge an annual subscription fee of 11.988 SEK. Once the subscription is paid, the user will have full access to Target Aid's tools and services.
c) Individuals and Peer-Fundraisers
The platform is free of charge for these type of users.
1.4 Control of donation flows and brokerage of donated funds
The Platform’s payment solution and services for controlling donation recipients and payment flows are administered by the subcontractor Pennybridge AB (556903-2021) on behalf of Target Aid. Pennybridge AB and its subcontractor Ping Payment AB (559123-5378) mediates donated funds from the Donors to the Donation Recipients and ensures that laws and regulations for financial transactions are complied with. Ping Payments AB holds a license as a Payment Institute issued by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and is under its supervision. Pennybridge AB and Ping Payment AB reviews and vets all Donation Recipients and payment processing flows in accordance with the Payment Services Act.
Payment of collected funds is processed in alignment with the Donation Recipient’s request for monthly or quarterly payment frequency. When transferring donated funds to the Donation Recipient, a collection cost of a maximum of 5% is paid to cover the costs of the payment solution, bank and transaction fees (Swish, card, invoice), as well as control of Donation Recipients, and payment flows. Target Aid does not take any part of this fee.
Further details of the procedures for payment and how we process your donations are displayed at the website.
1.5 Use of the Website and the Services
The User's use of the Website, the Services and the information provided thereby takes place at the Users own risk. The User is aware of that the Website, the Services and the information may be outdated or incorrect, or express other people's opinions. The User further undertakes that;
● only use the Website and the Services in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
● do not encourage others to use the Website or the Services in any way that may constitute a criminal activity or infringe on the rights of others.
1.6 Communication
Target Aid has the right to communicate and provide information to the User - by email to the email address specified by the User or by a message on the Website or by phone in the case that the User has shared that information with Target Aid. Information provided by Target Aid on the Website shall be deemed to have been received by the User two weeks (14 days) after Target Aid has published the information on the Website. Notification by email shall be deemed to have been received by the User upon dispatch when sent to the User's registered email address.
1.7 The Users Relation to Target Aid
By using the Website and the Services, the User confirms that Target Aid shall be held indemnified and without liability for any damages that arise as a result of published content or fundraisers organized by NGOs and Sports organisations (associations and federations), Companies and Peer to Peer Fundraisers that use the Target Aid platform. Target Aid only acts as an intermediary between the Users and the Donation Recipients. Any disputes between the Users and the Donation Recipients shall not affect Target Aid, its employees, management, owners or other representatives.
In particular, it is noted that Target Aid is not liable for damage due to Swedish or foreign legislation, Swedish or foreign government action, war event, strike, blockade, boycott, lockout or other similar circumstances. The provision regarding strikes, blockades, boycotts and lockouts applies even if Target Aid itself is the subject of or takes such conflict action.
All donations are made at the User's own risk, and it is the User's own responsibility to ascertain the Donation Recipient's purpose and cause. Target Aid and its subcontractors conducts a rigorous examination of each Donation Recipient, but the ultimate responsibility rests with the User. Target Aid can therefore not guarantee that donated amounts will be used by the Donor Recipient in the way that the User has expected or intended.
Although the User can direct his/her donation to the selected cause, this should be seen as a strong recommendation however non-binding appeal to the Donor Recipient and Target Aid cannot be held responsible if the Donor Recipient chooses to use the donated funds in a different manner than the User desired when making the donation.
As a User and Donor, the User fully understands the consequences of the donation. The User thus understands that:
● Each donation takes the form of a gift.
● Any card, bank or other transaction fees may apply.
● The donations are final and therefore non-refundable.
1.8 Technical standard
Target Aid is not responsible for any deficiencies and limitations in the User’s operating system and computer environment. It is the User's responsibility to ensure that the User has the necessary technical standard for the use of the ordered Services.
1.9 Complaints and reporting faults
If the User has any complaints or wish to report any technical problems with the Website, please contact our Customer Support from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm (CET), at support@targetaid.com, or via our chatbox in our platform.
1.10 Suspension of User
The General Terms and Conditions apply to our Website visitors as well as to registered Users during the period that the User is registered at Target Aid, and throughout the contractual period with Target Aid. However, in the event that the Website and/or the Services have been used before registration, the General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to apply from the date on which the Website and/or the Services are used.
Target Aid has the right to suspend a User at any time and terminate a registered account. Such shutdown can take place without warning. There is no obligation for Target Aid to notify why a particular User has been suspended and had its account terminated, neither to the User concerned nor to any third party.
1.11 Transfer of subscribed services
The subscription may not be transferred without the written consent of the Supplier.
1.12 Termination of Account
The User has the right to terminate his/her account at any time. Termination must be in writing via e-mail to support@targetaid.com no later than one (1) month before the end of the contract period. When the Supplier receives the written notice, the User is removed from the Platform, directly or when the subscription period expires. Upon termination, the Donation Recipient ceases to receive donations within seven (7) banking days from the time the notice of termination reaches the party. Refund of subscription fees does not take place during the current subscription period.
Either party has the right to terminate the agreement if the other party becomes insolvent, enters into bankruptcy or is dissolved, shows signs of significant liquidity problems or is unable to fulfil its obligations.
1.13 Intellectual Property Rights
The Website, the Services and all related rights are the property of Target Aid. Users are permitted to use the Services and the Website, but do not acquire any ownership rights. This applies to the Website, the information published there, images, photographs, software and the underlying technology. Target Aid reserves the right to own all material and all results that arise in the performance and provision of the services. All copyrights, as well as any patent rights or other intellectual property rights attributable to the results, are the property of Target Aid.
In the event that the User provides Target Aid photographs, moving images, film clips and / or other similar works which have been created by anyone other than the User ("Third Party"), it is the User's task to ensure that the Third Party allows the provided material to be distributed to Target Aid and that Target Aid has the right to use this material in the marketing of the Website and the Services.
In the event that Third Party makes a claim against Target Aid because the User was not allowed to freely transfer the right, the User shall hold Target Aid indemnified.
The User may be able to access, review, display or use third-party resources, content or information (“Third-Party Materials”) via the Platform and the Services. The User acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from access to, use of, or reliance upon any such Third-Party Materials, and Target Aid disclaims any liability that the User may incur arising from access to, use of or reliance upon such Third-Party Materials or user content via the Platform and the Services.
When the United Nations Development Goals are visible or mentioned on the Platform, please note that the content is only for informational use and has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of United Nations or its officials and members.
1.14 Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
Target Aid provides via its Platform, through the use of a third party, a payment solution that allows the Donor to transfer funds to the Donor Recipient. Any disputes between the Donor and the Donor Recipient shall not affect Target Aid, its employees, management, owners or other representatives.
Target Aid is not responsible for how the User uses the ordered Services and also has no responsibility towards Third Parties for the User's application. Target Aid is not responsible for any changes and additions that the User makes in connection with the use of the ordered Services. Furthermore, Target Aid is not responsible for damages that arise from published content and fundraisers organized by the User or other Donor Recipients for whom the User conducts fundraising via the Platform. Target Aid is held indemnified for all such damages.
1.15 Applicable law and forum
The General Terms and Conditions are covered by Swedish legislation. Disputes between the User and Target Aid due to the General Terms and Conditions shall be decided in a Swedish court of law and, unless the law has mandatory regulations on another forum (or another forum follows from an official decision), in the first instance by Stockholm District Court.
Users, Donors and Peer to Peer Fundraisers
1.1 Registration
By creating an account at Target Aid as a private person, the User is required to follow the instructions available on the Website. The account may be used by you as a User to donate funds to Donation Recipients located on the platform, sign up for events, help to promote causes, projects, create stories or initiate a Peer to Peer fundraising.
To use the Website and the Services, the User will need a username and password. The User hereby certifies that s/he will not choose a username which;
● Gives the impression that the User is a person other than him/herself.
● Exercises someone else's trademark, trademark or other intellectual property right.
● Target Aid may perceive as offensive, inappropriate or otherwise in conflict with General Terms and Conditions.
A User is not allowed to share the log-in details. Multiple users sharing the same log-in details are not permitted.
Target Aid hereby acquires the right to identify you by your username, which may be a pseudonym. The User is obliged to ensure that the username and password do not fall into the wrong hands, and is responsible for all activity that takes place in the user account - regardless of whether it is the User or someone else who takes the actual measures. In the event of any intrusion or improper use of your account, it is your duty to notify Target Aid immediately. Target Aid is not liable for any damages arising from the unauthorized use of your account by a third party.
The User certifies that all the information that s/he is obliged to provide in order to use the Website and the Services is correct and truthful. Incorrect information provided when registering an account, may lead to your account being suspended. The same shall apply in the event that Target Aid has reason to suspect that the information provided when registering for an account or when using the Website and/or the Services is incorrect.
1.2 Non registered users
A non registered user can access the platform in order to donate to Donation Recipients located on the Platform, sign up for events, storytelling, help promote Causes and projects.
Associations and Federations
1.1 Definitions
To Associations and Federations, Target Aid (the "Supplier") provides digital tools for marketing and fundraising through electronic services in form of the Platform, the Association Page, the Association Profile, the Cause Page, the Collection Widget, the Email Signature and Watermarks ("Services"). The services are sold by the Association and Federation ("the Subscriber") signing a subscription agreement (the "Agreement") with the Supplier. The Agreement gives the Subscriber the right to use the Services, in accordance with the agreement, and applies to the Supplier's provision of the Services to the Subscriber and to the Subscriber's use of the Services.
1.2 Registration
Subscribers who wish to use the Services in full must be registered and approved with the Supplier, and have completed a financial validation as a Donor Recipient. The Subscriber may not make full use of the Services before approval. Approval takes place by signing an agreement and reviewing financial validation as a donor (Know Your Counterpart, Anti Money Laundring), which is carried out in collaboration with Pennybridge AB and Ping Payment AB.
1.3 The Services
Within the framework of the Agreement, The Supplier provides the following services to the Subscriber: The Association Profile aggregates the results from all causes for which the Subscriber conducts fundraising, both the self-initiated and those initiated by other Associations and Federations which are available on the Platform and that the Subscriber wants to support. If the Subscriber agrees on the possibility of using more Association Profiles, for example one profile per team ("Team Profile") or section ("Section Profile"), then each individual profile aggregates the results of the Causes for which each team / section conducts fundraising;
The Cause page is a digital place where the Subscriber with text, images, videos, search tags and describes a specific Cause for which they conduct fundraising. Here, the subscriber can also geographically locate the Cause on a digital world map; The fundraising widget is integrated into the Subscriber's website and makes visible there specific Causes for which the Subscriber conducts fundraising; Watermarks are digital icons / images that can be used in E-mail signatures and on web pages to drive traffic to the Subscriber's Association Page, Association Profile or specific Cause Pages.
After an Association or Federation has registered its interest and approved the the General Terms and Conditions, a digital start-up process is initiated on the Target Aid platform. An Association page and Fundraising profile adapted to the Association is created, as well as the initial Causes for fundraising. The person who registers the Association or Federation receives the account- and login information for the administrative page of the Association or Federation and thereby gets access to ordered Services. The login information is only valid for the Subscriber and may not be transferred. When using the Services, the Subscriber accepts and confirms that the use takes place in accordance with the agreement, as well as in accordance with other applicable laws and regulations.
1.4 The Supplier's Commitment and Rights
Within the framework of the Agreement, the Supplier undertakes to;
● provide the Services described under The Services.
● ensure that donated funds being are being allocated to the Cause and forwarded from the Donor to the Subscriber;
The Supplier reserves the right to determine which Causes are approved and activated on the Platform as well as refuse to provide the Subscriber with a donation in the following situations:
● If there is reason for the Supplier to assume that the donation is in violation of this agreement, laws and regulations;
● If there is reason for the Supplier to assume that the donation will not be used in accordance with with the will of the Donor.
The Supplier may with immediate effect shut down the Subscriber from the Platform and terminate the agreement without obligation to repay if the Subscriber:
● uses the Services in an improper manner;
● in any way violates the agreement;
1.5 The Subscriber's Commitment
Upon registration with the Supplier, and within the framework of the agreement, the Subscriber is obliged to provide the following information to the Supplier; the association’s or federations legal name, organization number, address, bank account details for payment of donated funds from the Donors; name, social security number and contact details of the association's signatories;
Documentation that proves who the signatory is. Such document may be one or more of the following:
i. Minutes of the statutory board meeting or annual general meeting.
i. The association's statutes;
Name and contact details of those who will handle the account, receive transaction reports and accounting.
The Subscriber undertakes to provide, at the request of Pennybridge AB and/or Ping Payment AB, supplementary information about the Subscriber's operations and representatives, in order to meet regulatory requirements for customer knowledge in Pennybridge AB's and/or Ping Payment AB's work against money laundering and financing of terrorism.
Upon completion and approval of registration, the Subscriber undertakes to:
● use the Services in the way they are intended to be used for,
● market the Subscriber's self-initiated Causes through the channels through which the Subscriber usually communicates to his various stakeholder groups within / outside the business;
● ensure that the login details to the Account is handled in a secure manner in order to ensure that no unauthorized person has access to the Account.
● ensure that the information they provide to the Supplier is up to date and correct. The Supplier is not responsible for errors due to incorrect information provided to the Supplier;
● ensure that received donations are handled as far as possible in accordance with the Donor's wishes.
● promptly notify the Supplier in the event of any suspected error; If the Supplier incorrectly forwarded an amount to the Subscriber, promptly repay the amount to the Supplier. The Supplier shall indemnify the Subscriber for direct costs that such incorrectly forwarded amounts may give rise to to the extent that the cause of this error can be considered to have been within the Supplier's control.
Non Governmental Organizations (NGO)
1.1 Registration
NGOs wishing to use the Platform must register with Target Aid. The NGO may not use the Platform until the registration has been approved by Target Aid. In order for the NGO’s registration to be approved, the NGO must undergo a control and compliance process, which is handled by subcontractors to Target Aid, Pennybridge AB and Ping Payment AB and will conduct a vetting of the NGO as well as provide the payment solution, manage payment flows and perform financial validation. Upon registration with Target Aid, and within the framework of the agreement, the NGO is obliged to provide the following information;
NGO’s legal name, organization number, address, the NGO's bank account details for payment of donated funds, Names, social security numbers and contact details of the NGO's signatories; Documentation that proves who the signatory is. Such document may be one or more of the following; Minutes of the statutory board meeting or annual meeting; Registration certificate from the county administrative board; Articles of Association; Names and contact details of administrators who will handle the Account; Relevant email address for transaction reports.
At the signing of this agreement, the NGO undertakes to provide, at the request of Pennybridge AB and / or Ping Payment AB, additional information about the NGO's activities and representatives, in order to meet regulatory requirements for customer knowledge in Pennybridge AB's and / or Ping Payment AB's work against money laundering and financing of terrorism.
1.2 The services
The platform gives the NGO the opportunity to globally market its activities, events, projects and fundraising campaigns (“Causes”) to which companies and individuals (“Donors”) can donate money;
The NGO page is a digital place visible on the Platform where the NGO with text, images, video, search tags describes its activities and lists the Causes to which companies and individuals ("Donors") can donate. The Cause Page is a digital place where the NGO with text, images, video, search tags describes a specific Cause for which they conduct fundraising. Here, the NGO can also geographically locate the Cause on a digital world map. The Payment Solution is integrated on the NGO Page and the Cause Page enables Donors to donate money to the NGO and its projects posted on the Platform.
1.3 Commitment and rights for Target Aid
The Supplier undertakes to provide; a payment solution that ensures that donations are forwarded from Donors to the NGOs and its designated projects and campaigns; an online account on the Platform (the "Account"), from which the NGO will be able to track its fundraising campaigns, communicate with donors, and conduct fundraising;
To provide on the Account relevant statistics that aim to enable the NGO to monitor ongoing and completed fundraising campaigns;
together with the NGO, promote and communicate projects in joint networks, at network meetings and through newsletters.
The Supplier reserves the right to determine which Causes will be approved and activated on the Platform as well as refuse to provide the NGO with a donation in the following situations:
● If there is reason for the Supplier to assume that the donation is in violation of the General Terms and Conditions and other applicable laws and regulations;
● If there is reason for the Supplier to assume that the donation will not be used in accordance with with the will of the Donor.
The Supplier reserves the right to immediate effect shut down the NGO from the Platform and terminate the agreement without obligation to reimburse the subscription fee if the NGO:
● uses the Platform in an improper manner;
● in any way violates the agreement;
● enters into liquidation or can be assumed to be insolvent.
Target Aid is not responsible for refunding donations to the Donor. Any request for a refund from the Donor, regardless of the reason for it, will only be forwarded to the NGO.
Any amount incorrectly forwarded by Target Aid shall be reimbursed to Target Aid promptly by the NGO. Target Aid shall indemnify the NGO for direct costs that such incorrectly forwarded amounts may give rise to, to the extent that the cause of this error can be considered to have been within the control of Target Aid.The NGO is obliged to keep itself informed of information regarding relevant forwarding of donations. Donor recipients are also required to promptly notify Target Aid of any suspected error.
1.4 Commitment and rights of the NGO
Within the framework of the agreement, the NGO undertakes that upon completion of approved registration to; ensure that applicable laws and regulations are followed; ensure that the login details to the Account is handled in a secure manner in order to ensure that no unauthorized person has access to the Account; make sure the information they provide to Target Aid is up to date and accurate. Target Aid is not responsible for errors due to incorrect information provided by Target Aid; ensure that received donations are handled as far as possible in accordance with the donor's wishes and that the funds received are used for the specific project for which the donor intends its donation to be used.
1.1 Registration
When registering an account, Companies and corporations can use the customized tools and solutions provided by Target Aid to visualize and communicate their social sustainability commitment and results.
1.2 Services
The Supplier provides the following services to the Subscriber;
An Impact profile which enables the Subscriber to make efforts and results visible based on specific commitment and categorize efforts based on set goals. A digital fundraising widget for the Subscriber to create fundraisers linked to the company both internally and externally, and to follow results and share in different media.
A Watermark, the Target Aid icon placed on the company's website that links to the Impact profile. An Email signature enabling the Subscriber to spread your message via our email signature, links directly to the company's impact profile or widget.
Delivery takes place by the Subscriber receiving an activation link with login information to Target Aid and thus gaining access to ordered Services. The login details only applies to the subscriber and may not be transferred. Multiple users sharing the same login are not permitted
1.3 Contract period and termination
The contract runs annually and is automatically extended by one year at a time in the event of non-termination. The subscription of added modules and features is automatically extended by the selected subscription period in the event of non-termination. Termination shall be in writing no later than one (1) month before the end of the contract period.
Last modified: April 2024