Code of Conduct
Target Aid – Code of Conduct
Our success as a CSR tech-company depends on our credibility in all matters of social, environmental and economic sustainability. The guidelines we adhere to as well as our internal policies are as important to us as we believe our customer’s and partner’s code of conduct are to them.
When joining, or using, our platform, you already display a willingness to take your sustainability work seriously. By also following our code of conduct, and ensuring that it corresponds with your own, will bring you further along that path.
We therefore ask you to take a moment to read through these sets of principles. Should you have questions regarding any of this, you are welcome to contact us.
Forced Labour and Freedom of Movement
The supplier and/or partner must not participate in, or benefit from, any form of forced labour including bonded labour, forced prison labour, slavery, servitude, or human trafficking, in accordance with the ILO-conventions 29 and 105. Workers must have the freedom of movement during the course of their employment.
Retention of monetary and/or material goods
The supplier and/or partner must not withhold any part of any personnel’s salary, benefits, property or documents (e.g. identity cards and travel documents) in order to force such personnel to continue working for them.
Disciplinary measures
The supplier and /or partner shall treat all personnel with dignity and respect. The supplier and/or partner shall not engage in or tolerate the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion and verbal abuse of personnel.
Child Labour
Minimum Age Requirements
The supplier and/or partner shall not engage in, or benefit from, the use of child labour, in accordance with the ILO convention 138. The minimum age for employment shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, shall not be less than 15 years (or 14 years where established by national laws in accordance with the ILO developing-country exception).
Educational Remediation Programme
If the supplier and/or partner becomes aware that it is employing children of school age, it shall ensure that the children are enrolled in a remediation programme, rather than being summarily terminated from employment. The programme shall include access to education and financial support and shall be decided in consultation with the child and family or next of kin.
Light Work and Apprenticeship Programmes
Where permitted by national laws, the supplier and/or partner may employ children between 12 and 15 to perform a few hours of light work per day. The work must be simple tasks of a limited nature and not interfere with the children’s educational responsibilities. Apprenticeship programmes for children below the minimum age of employment must be remunerated and clearly aimed at training.
Hazardous and Harmful Work
The supplier and/or partner shall refrain from hiring young workers (below 18 years of age) to perform any type of work, which is likely to jeopardise their health, safety or morals, in accordance with the ILO convention 182.
Discrimination in Employment-related Decisions
The supplier and/or partner shall not engage in or support discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, caste, national or social origin, property, birth, union affiliation, sexual orientation, health status, family responsibilities, age, and disability or other distinguishing characteristics, in accordance with the ILO conventions 100 and 111. Hiring, remuneration, benefits, training, advancement, discipline, termination, retirement or any other employment-related decisions shall be based on relevant and objective criteria.
The Right to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
The supplier and/or partner must not interfere with the workers’ rights to form and join unions or other associations of their own choosing, and to bargain collectively. Nor shall the supplier and/or partner discourage membership of unions, in accordance with the ILO conventions 87 and 98. Workers’ representatives shall not be subject to discrimination and shall be given access to employees at the workplace. The supplier and/or partner must recognise elected workers’ representatives and bargain in good faith with them regarding all important concerns at the workplace.
Alternative Measures in Case of State Prohibition on Unions
If trade unions are not allowed in the area of operation, or only state authorised organisations are allowed, then the supplier and/or partner shall facilitate, and not prevent, alternative measures to allow employees to gather independently to discuss work-related matters and a forum to present work-related concerns to management.
Work Environment
Health and Safety Standards
The supplier and/or partner shall ensure that its workers are offered a safe and healthy working environment. This should include but not limited to protection from fire, accidents and toxic substances. Adequate health and safety policies and procedures must be established and followed.
Sanitary Infrastructure
The supplier and/or partner must provide a suitable, clean and sanitary infrastructure, including access to toilets and potable water, which conforms to the needs and numbers of its employees. Accommodation, if provided by the supplier and/or partner, shall conform to the same requirements, including the general provisions on health and safety standards listed above.
Terms of employment
Workplace Violence, including Assault, Harassment and Threats
The supplier and/or partner shall protect workers from acts of physical, verbal, sexual, or psychological harassment, abuse, or threats in the workplace, whether committed by managers or fellow workers including when determining and implementing disciplinary measures.
The supplier and/or partner shall comply with legal minimum standards or industry benchmark standards concerning wages and benefits, whichever is higher. In any case, the supplier and/or partner shall always provide a ‘living wage’, which enables workers to meet the basic needs of themselves and their dependents, as well as provide some discretionary income. Overtime shall be remunerated at a premium rate. Wages shall be paid in legal tender and on a regular basis. Deductions from wages shall be transparent and must never be used as a disciplinary measure.
Established Working Relationship
All workers shall be provided with a written, understandable, and legally binding labour contract. The supplier and/or partner shall not rely on part-time, short-term or casual labourers, trainees or false apprenticeships to pay lower wages and fewer benefits. Provisions for non-permanent and seasonal workers should be no less favourable than for permanent workers.
The supplier and/or partner shall grant employees paid holiday and sick leave each year, as well as parental leave to employees who must care for a newborn or newly adopted child. Women, who take maternity leave, must not face dismissal or threat of dismissal, and shall be able to return to work in their former employment at the same rate of pay and benefits.
Hours of Work, Rest Periods and Breaks
The supplier and/or partner shall ensure that the work-week is limited to 48 hours. Overtime shall be voluntary, infrequent, and must not exceed 12 hours per week. Employees are entitled to at least one day off per week, and shall be given reasonable breaks while working and sufficient rest periods between shifts.
Employee Privacy
The supplier and/or partner shall respect the privacy rights of its employees whenever it gathers or keeps private information or implements employee-monitoring practices.
Environmental protection
Managing Environmental Aspects
The supplier and/or partner must strive to minimise the adverse environmental impacts of its activities, products and services through a proactive approach and responsible management of its environmental aspects (including, but not limited to):
• Use of scarce natural resources, energy and water
• Emissions to air and releases to water
• Noise, odour and dust emission
• Potential and actual soil contamination
• Waste management (hazardous and non-hazardous substances)
• Product issues (design, packaging, transport, use and recycling/disposal)
Complying with Environmental Legislation
The supplier and/or partner shall maintain awareness of current environmental legislative requirements, which are relevant to the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services. Also, it must ensure legal compliance through training, awareness, operational control and monitoring.
Continuously Improving Environmental Performance
The supplier and/or partner shall demonstrate continuous improvements of the overall environmental performance related to significant environmental aspects.
Industrial Accidents and Health Emergencies
The supplier and/or partner shall establish and maintain emergency procedures to effectively prevent and address all health emergencies and industrial accidents that can affect the surrounding community or have an adverse impact on the environment.
Products Liability
The supplier and/or partner shall exercise due diligence when designing, manufacturing, and testing products. This is to protect against product defects which could harm the life, health or safety of people likely to be affected by the defective product, or have an adverse impact on the environment.
Bribing of Government Officials and private parties
The supplier and/or partner shall refrain from bribing, or using any other method, to unjustly influence public officials, the judiciary and/or private parties.
Agents, intermediaries and consultants
The suppliers’ and/or partners contracts with agents, intermediaries and consultants shall include a section on anti-corruption and that the contract holder must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
/The Target Aid team